2018 Joseph Fletcher Memorial Lecture to be delivered by Isenbike Togan

December 5, 2018
Representation of power sharing

The Committee on Inner Asian and Altaic Studies is pleased to announce the 2018 Joseph Fletcher Memorial Lecture

From Turco-Mongolian Dual Kingship to Power Sharing: Questions of Theory and Practice

by Professor İsenbike Togan AM '69, PhD '73, Boğaziçi University

Political legitimacy in the Inner Asian world has been understood as arising from compound origins and as being distributed across multiple centers. To sustain their rule, nomadic conquerors had to calibrate a position amid various nodes of power, arriving at an equilibrium often seen as a balance between the sacred and the mundane. This lecture by one of the world’s foremost experts on the history of the Altaic world explores the nature of Turco-Mongolian kingship seen through the historical and epic literature of the steppe peoples, asking how nomadic regimes addressed this challenge in radically differing contexts.

Please join us for the Fletcher Lecture on Wednesday, December 5 at 5:00 pm

Harvard University CGIS South Building, Belfer Case Study Room S020, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA